Plans have been revealed for major changes to the Wyeside area of Hereford, to help make the area more attractive, accessible and entertaining for local people and visitors.

The plans are part of the Stronger Hereford project, with more than £20 million in funding secured from Government.

The plans include:

Transforming the experience along the riverbank between Hereford Rugby Club, Hereford Rowing Club and the Left Bank, making it safer, more accessible, more attractive and entertaining space for residents, river users and visitors to the city.

Enhancement of the river and its surrounding infrastructure. 

This will include wide promenade style pathway that will enhance accessibility for walking and cycling. 

Lighting and power points alongside Bishop’s Meadow and King George’s playing fields for community events, pop up cafés and markets. 

The project will involve a ramp leading onto the Great Western Way to connect the south and northside pathways for cyclists and the disabled. Pontoon at the Left Bank Village and Sea Cadets facility to increase utility and access, will provide a crane based at the Rowing Club/Sea Cadets for disabled access to vessels and boat removal from the river. 

Digital signage will be provided, giving directions and information about events,

local amenities and other community based offerings. 

Installation of seating along the north and south stretches of the river will encourage family engagement. 

This project will provide infrastructure that will support camping, tourism and “staycation”.

Hereford and the beauty of the most visually accessible section of the river. 

Increase local business opportunities. 

More footfall into Hereford. Contributes towards levelling up i.e. improves opportunities for disadvantaged and quality of life for residents. 

Towpath improvements creating better access and connectivity. 

Pontoon enables river cruiser access. 

Better connections between north side and south side of the river. 

Mobilisation of outstanding riverside “staycation” camping and caravanning offer.

This project will support the Towns Fund Urban Regeneration Intervention agenda and will lead to:

Enhanced townscape that is more attractive and more accessible to residents, businesses and visitors

Improved affordability, convenience, reliability and sustainability of travel options to and from places of work

Enhanced high street and town centre experience that prioritises the health, safety and mobility of pedestrians

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