Odeon Cinema reopened its doors in Hereford today, with Cinema Manager Ryan Boucher and his team welcoming in customers for the first time in months and there is certainly plenty to be excited about!
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Your Herefordshire Film Critic Lewis Pearce has put together a short preview of the latest films being shown. This handy guide will certainly tempt you to book tickets! Take a read below …
“THE CINEMA IS BACK. Wow, does it feel good to say that. For the first time in 2021, Hereford’s Odeon cinema has re-opened its doors and they have a great range of films for you to choose from. For the first week back, they are showing a number of the biggest films of 2021 so far, many of which have only been available in the UK via home rental… until now. Here is where I stand on all the films showing at the cinema this week.”
Godzilla vs. Kong
Monster mayhem of the highest order, this was a film destined for the big screen. The entire film is undeniably nonsensical but if you’re able to go along with it, you are sure to have lots of fun. The action is frequently insane. 7.5/10
Judas & The Black Messiah
My film of the year so far. Daniel Kaluuya and LaKeithStanfield are two of the best young actors in the game right now and both are terrific here, with Kaluuya recently winning the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for his turn as Black Panther Party Chairman Fred Hampton. Think BlackKklansman meets The Departed in this gripping true story thriller. 8/10
The Little Things
A solid if forgettable thriller that tries to be a modern day Se7en. Denzel Washington is his usual charming self but Rami Malek is laughably miscast and the murder mystery never quite excites or intrigues like you hope. Still, to see a slow-burn serial killer drama like this in today’s market was refreshing and well overdue. 6.5/10
Mortal Kombat
If you’re a fan of the video game series, or like seeing people get viciously chopped in half, then this one is for you. The visual effects are top notch and the action sequences are well done, if not for the faint hearted. It doesn’t take itself too seriously either, adding plenty of jokes, but my lack of knowledge for the game and universe means outsiders like myself will struggle to always follow what exactly is going on. 7/10
Following huge wins for Best Actress, Director and Picture at this year’s Academy Awards, Nomadland finally lands in UK cinemas. I felt a number of films were much more deserving of Best Picture, but there is no denying this is a gorgeous film. Every scene is beautiful to look at, with stunning direction from writer-director Chloe Zhao. The problem is that it’s an incredibly slow-moving film, with very little actually happening throughout its run time but Frances McDormand is a delight in the lead. 7/10
Peter Rabbit 2
A second animated/live-action adaptation of the beloved children’s book, Peter Rabbit 2 has James Corden returning to voice the titular rabbit in what looks like another fun adventure for families to enjoy. Still yet to check this one out, but I already know young cinemagoers are sure to enjoy it.
Tom & Jerry: The Movie
I was a huge fan of Tom & Jerry growing up, so I think it was a genius move to bring them back for a new generation of children to fall in love with. I’m sadly yet to see this film too, but I’m hearing it holds up well in its modern-day re-tellingand is perfect family entertainment.