Can you help raise money for Jake Halling, a young man from Herefordshire who was paralysed when he was involved in a devastating life changing incident when mountain biking in July.

The following is from the Just Giving page that has been set up:

Jake Halling is 21 years old who lives in Collington, near Bromyard. He is a happy, hardworking, sociable outdoor lad with a passion for the countryside and loves taking part in a huge variety of outdoor sporting activities.

Fishing and downhill mountain biking are his favourite activities when he is not working.

Jake comes from a very close knit family & currently lives at home with his Dad Colin, and younger brother Ryan and Dads partner Alison. Tragically his much adored Mum Debbie passed away in 2013 after losing her battle with Cancer, which goes without saying, devastated everybody in the family, and as with any loss is one of the most painful things to deal with, especially at such a young age.

Jake is self-employed as a builder, which he has enjoyed immensely. He also has a Level 3 Extended Diploma in Fisheries Management and a Degree in Fishery and Aquaculture. Jake was hoping to work in this industry later in life.

What happened to change Jakes life?

On Sunday 12th July 2020 Jake met with friends as he often did to take part in one of his favourite outdoor sporting activities of Downhill Mountain biking and jumping.

That day was no different to any other day the group of friends had met up as they always did, just doing what they so enjoyed.

Between them they’d fallen off on many occasions, but as the old adage goes, ‘you always get back on the bike’

But none of them could have foreseen what was round the corner for Jake on that day.

Jake successfully cleared and landed a very large and fast downhill jump, which he had done many times that day. But on this occasion when landing the jump his bikes ‘front suspension forks’ snapped off.

This resulted in the bike stopping immediately where Jake took the full force and speed of impact. Jakes body crashed through the handle bars and into the front wheel.

Apart from Jakes multiple facial injuries and a broken neck, he also broke the upper part of his back on impact.

The damage caused by his broken back resulted in a complete spinal cord injury, leaving Jake completely without use and feeling of his body from the chest down.

Jake is currently in Oswestry Hospital trying to come to terms with his life changing injuries.

Why Jake needs your help:

The house that Jake shares with his Dad Colin, Alison and younger brother Ryan, is a semi-detached cottage in the countryside.

Due to Jakes life changing injuries he has a long, difficult road ahead and the home he shares with his family is now no longer accessible to Jake!

We need to keep Jake with his family and for his future needs the living accommodation will need to be accessible and all on one level, the only way for this to happen and for Jake to stay with his family is to build an annexe that is specially equipped to give Jake the independence he needs, but also to be with his Dad, Alison and brother to help care for him.

We are asking for help to raise as much as we can to help achieve this.

Our target is ÂŁ50.000, and alongside of our target we are asking for volunteers for all the skills needed to donate time to help, with the > planning, estimating of cost, build, fit out and finish the build + many other items critical to Jakes future needs.

None of us know what is round the corner in life, and it’s easy to think it always happens to someone else, until the most devastating happens!!

Jake needs you, please help in any small way you can, it could make a huge difference.

To donate and to support Jake, please visit