A planning application has been submitted for the demolition of Peterchurch Primary School, ahead of the erection of a new school building.
Planning Ref: P250532/PSI
The planning application submitted, states the following:
‘Demolition of the existing school and erection of a new school building, creation of a MUGA, parking, landscaping, amenity areas, plant, external lighting and other associated works.’
AHR have been appointed by Tilbury Douglas Construction to design a new school and facilities for Peterchurch Primary School on their current site.
Peterchurch Primary School is a community primary school controlled by Herefordshire Council located in the village of Peterchurch in the west of the County.
The scheme comprises a new build single storey primary school with associated external play, sports facilities and landscaping and the demolition of the existing school buildings.
The schoolis located in the village of Peterchurch in the middle of the Golden Valley, west of Hereford and towards the Black Mountains and Welsh border.
The village is the largest settlement in the valley and has several amenities including:
Peterchurch Primary School, Fairfield High School, a village hall, shops and two pubs.
The site is located a little south of the centre of the village on the eastern side of the B4348, the arterial route through the settlement and along the valley.
The site is approximately 1.06 hectares or 2.6 acres) and gently slopes upwards from west to east by approx. 2.5m. across the depth of the site.
The school has houses and small scale retail/industrial buildings to the North West boundary and open farmland to the North East.
The B4348 forms the South West boundary and to the South East the current farmland has outline consent for a residential development.
You can view the plans for the school in detail, by visiting – https://myaccount.herefordshire.gov.uk/documents?id=10da8bb3-f9b9-11ef-9089-005056ab3a27