Lorna Pitt who was a popular character in Leominster sadly passed away earlier this month.

The Black Swan in Leominster are hosting a darts competition on the Saturday 29th of March which starts at 12pm. There is the opportunity to win a first prize of £100.

There is a £5 entry fee to help raise money for Lorna’s funeral and the opportunity to give her the send off she truly deserves.

Her friends and family are asking as many people as possible to come and join them and to help raise money for Lorna.

All entry and raffle money will be going to the fund. If you don’t play darts swing by on the day and enter the raffle to win a prize or hamper or simply buy a drink to show your support.

Food will be available to purchase on the day.

The team at the Black Swan will be putting a cut of drink sales made on the day also into the pot for Lorna.