SEPAR International is proud to host a raffle and auction charity evening to raise money for the Herefordshire Veteran Support Centre and the Pilgrim Bandits Charity on Friday 8th November 2024, at Saxtys in Hereford at 7pm.

SEPAR are thrilled to announce that they have two special guest speakers joining for the evening: 103-year-old WW2 former Mosquito Bomber Pilot, Colin Bell, and British Army veteran, sportsman, and triple amputee, Josh Boggi.

Please pop along to raise money for these two incredible charities through an auction and raffle of fantastic prizes and to hear inspirational stories from special guest speakers, Colin Bell and Josh Boggi.

SEPAR would also like to take this opportunity to thank Saxtys for gifting the use of their venue to host this very special event.

Tickets are £40 per person, which includes welcome drinks, canapés, and street food. The dress code is smart/cocktail. DJ and dancing until 1am.

How to purchase tickets:

Please contact to purchase your e-ticket.

SEPAR look forward to seeing you all there! Thank you for your support.