From Tim Wick in our Herefordshire Memories Facebook Group:

“Thank you for allowing me onto your Facebook group.

“I have recently moved into Worcester from Berkshire and having done so, tried to start tracing my late Father’s travels.

“My Father fled Hungary after the Uprising in October 1956.
He travelled across Europe, into England and as far as my research goes, settled into Redhill / Hillside Hostel, Ross Road, Hereford, 1957-1959.

“I believe he was associated with Hereford for several years
and I am in the process of trying to scan and archive many of his photos, documents and personal records from that period to build up a picture of his history during that time.

“I hope that joining this group may help to enlighten me about Hereford around about that period and also now, being a new neighbour.

“This is a picture of him (on the right) during that period, the other of my father’s friend with the mod-mobile.