For St Michael’s 40th Anniversary, a group of hard-working staff are gearing up for an epic 120km challenge!

Titan 40 will see 17 colleagues spend a (very) long day rafting, walking, and cycling from Hay-on-Wye to St Michael’s HQ in Bartestree. 

They’ll raft 40km, walk 40km, and cycle 40km – all in one day!

They’ve been training hard with the amazing support of the MadSat Raft Team, who have provided hours of training and will be with them every step of the way!

The goal? To raise £5,000 for St Michael’s! 

The challenge takes place on Saturday, 28th September.

“None of us are elite athletes and recognise how hard this challenge will be to complete,” said Siobhan MacQuillan, our Therapy lead and Titan 40 member.

“However, each and every one of us will draw inspiration from remembering the patients we have treated over the years. We want to raise as much money as possible for St Michael’s.” 

You can support for the Titan 40 Team here: