After Kian saw a homeless man sitting on the floor he started to ask questions such as, “Why won’t the builders build him a house?” and “Will Santa give him presents?”

Kian and his mum then went and bought the homeless man a hot chocolate and a chocolate muffin. 

Kian would now to like to raise money to buy food for the homeless. After doing research they were told that many of those living on the streets at the moment in Hereford will be placed in temporary accommodation during the first week of December.

This accommodation will consist of a bathroom and bedroom containing a kettle and microwave, so these guys will need food which can be microwaved or made using boiling water. Pot noodles, soup, baked beans rice, curry sauces etc.

Those that wish to remain in tents tend to be a little more difficult but anything that can be eaten from its wrapper, biscuits, crisps etc chocolate and sweets are also popular as they can be put in their pockets or backpack and easily carried around.

All funds raised will be used for Kian and his mum to go shopping and they will deliver the food to the Salvation Army in Hereford.