HereFORDshire Festival is 3 days of events starting on World Homeless Day 10th October and is being put on to fundraise and to increase awareness around homelessness, the causes of it and support out there to prevent homelessness arising.

The charity leading on this are ETHOS – Extending the hand of support who deliver support locally through The Living Room and Hereford homeless support.

Th 3 day festival starts with an open day at The Living Room that will celebrate the work it has done over the last few years. 

The Courtyard will hosting an Art Exhibition that will be put together by Ethos and the college of Arts students this will run all week.

Friday 11th will be the BIG SLEEP OUT in partnership with The leftbank Village Hereford, where fundraisers will come together and sleep out in the cold for the night after getting sponsored to do this.

There will be other businesses across the county getting involved by taking donations for the event on the evening with events happening at The Kerry, The Yard, Speakeasy, Lyde Court.

Schools and colleges will be doing their own fundraisers for this such as charity car washes, crazy hair days and bring a tin to school day.

Saturday 12th will be the final night with a charity Gala evening at Lyde Court Hereford and also Max Galactic at the Speakeasy Left Bank.

Tickets to join the BIG SLEEP OUT and the Charity Gala evening are on Eventbrite all other venues have their own ticket system with donations going to our cause.

If you’re an organisation that would like to get involved email