A trio of brave men will be taking part in an epic challenge this weekend to help raise money for Rosie and Harriet.

Rosie, aged just 34-years-old, has terminal cancer and any money raised will be used to help her make memories with her 5-year-old daughter.

The challenge will see the trio of Cameron, Martin and Greg take on the Three Peaks, before paddle boarding 52 miles down the River Wye between Glasbury and Hoarwithy, passing through Hereford.

A post on Just Giving gives more of an explanation:

“Myself and Martin Adjei have set ourselves a challenge which we are going to do in June.

“We will start by doing the National 3 peaks challenge, driving ourselves as well. Then when we complete that, get dropped off at Glasbury and paddle board 52 miles down river to Hoarwithy.

“Starting Thursday 22nd. I estimate the whole thing to take roughly 43 hours from start to finish. So Saturday night I’ll be having a takeaway, although I may fall asleep eating it! 

“It’s going to be tough but hell we’re up for it. Everyone knows I love a challenge.

“I’ve never done any of my things for charity in the past, I do them just because I’m nuts and like to challenge myself. People keep saying I should raise money for a good cause. So this time I’m going to.

“I’m sure a lot of you know Rosie Powell and the devastating news that she has terminal cancer. She is only 34 years old and has a beautiful 5 year old daughter. I don’t personally know Rosie but she is a friend of my other half, and frankly a wonderful person inside and out.

“So I’ve spoken to Adjei about it and we’ve decided to try and raise money for Rosie and Her daughter, Harriet, to enjoy their remaining time together making memories.

“As painful as this may be for us to complete, I know it’s nothing compared to what Rosie and her family are going through.

“So if anyone would be kind enough to sponsor us we will be most grateful.

“We have set up a Just Giving page so please, every little helps.

“We will be posting updates whilst on our travels, and if anyone would like to meet us on the river at any point and do a few miles to keep us going then you’re more than welcome.

“Bring food! So thank you everyone for reading this, and again, if you can help, thank you so much.”

Just Giving Link – https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/martin-adjei?utm_term=vendk2Ya3