It’s not often that the team here are overwhelmed by something they see, but when we saw a post yesterday evening, it was impossible to ignore.

Through the hard efforts of Andrew Wood and a small number of others, over 3,400 NHS workers in Herefordshire will be treated to an Easter Egg this Easter, to thank them for the extremely hard work they’ve all put in during the COVID-19 pandemic. Incredible? Yes, but this really does only scrape the surface of what Andrew and the Hereford Community Recycling and Reuse Group do.

On Facebook, in the groups ‘about us’ section it states, “this is not a selling site, it’s for recycling stuff we would normally throw away that we can now recycle raising money for local charities, if you have suggestions on what we could recycle that would wise money or if you know of a local charity that would benefit from what we do then please let us know.”

However, even that doesn’t scrape the surface. Andrew and the team regularly provide clothes for those in need. They help to furnish properties for those that need critical support. In truth, they do the jobs that local councils do in many other areas of the country.

From getting local schools involved, to helping to keep the flower beds at Hereford Railway Station tidy. The list is endless!

The community aspect is absolutely incredible, with thousands of items donated to the group by fabulous local people who simply wish to help those in need. However, to organise such an operation requires a lot of time and in an emotional status last night, Andrew put out a plea for support for the group to be able to continue.

Andrew said:

“For the last 12 months since I started the group, in a slightly different direction, helping others I have given up every hour of every day to make this work, perhaps it’s become an obsession, but I have my reasons.

“I have raised money when we have needed it, begged if necessary, persuaded others to help and got business to join in with my aims.

“We provided toys to 400 children who would have gone without before Christmas and continue to do so. We helped furnish over 100 properties across the county, helping give new homes to people in need of our help and persuaded individuals and businesses to let us use buildings for storage.

“We supply clothing to families and children in need. I did a deal with the fabulous Helping Hand Company which gave us a vehicle but this can’t continue like this, moving stuff between buildings is back breaking and takes up to much of my time.

“We are a Community Interest Company which would give us certain benefits. I need the recognition and backing from the council or this brilliant machines engine will snap.

“We provide services that the council can’t provide by using what I set out to do which was to reuse or recycle what some people would throw away that I knew could have other uses. So if you want this to continue, please shout on our behalf, email your county councillors, share across social media. Thank you to everyone who has helped me get this group to where it now is.”

So here is a message from US at Your Herefordshire. Please support Andrew. From councillors to the local community. This group is a huge asset to our county. Get behind it.

(1) Herefordshire Community Recycling And Reuse Group | Facebook