A Herefordshire High School is warning students and parents that action could be taken after it was made aware of videos of staff members being uploaded to the social media app TikTok.

Executive Headteacher Dr Rob Patterson said the following in a letter to parents:

“Finally, a more unpleasant matter to finish on today I’m afraid.  Social media has had many benefits to society, but as a leader in education I cannot count the number of occasions when I have had to deal with the other side of this particular coin.

“The latest craze sweeping the UK is the vile practice of making defamatory posts about members of school staff on TikTok.  Sadly, we have information that a small number of students from Wigmore High School have been involved in this.  Could I please ask that you support the school by talking with your child about this and ensuring that they are not posting content or following such a group.

“School sanctions have been and will be applied to any individuals found to have engaged in the creation or distribution of abusive, harmful and defamatory media.”