Update from Herefordshire Council on Friday afternoon:

“Our teams have excavated parts of Blue School Street over the course of today to better understand ground conditions and will continue their work at other parts along the road tomorrow.

“Works are being supervised by Herefordshire Council’s highways team and also the County Archaeologist, given the proximity to the historic city wall.

“Temporary traffic management arrangements and changes to the traffic signals are in place to enable westbound traffic to flow freely along the service road to the side of Maylord Orchards and will remain until further notice. Bus services are unaffected by the works, with access to stops maintained as normal.”

Earlier Update:

Motorists are advised to expect ‘significant delays’ over the coming days, with an emergency road closure in place on Blueschool Street in Hereford.

The road closure is in place due to issues with the ground, with Your Herefordshire hearing from a source that there is a sinkhole / ground subsiding on one area of the carriageway.

Motorists are being funnelled into one lane, alongside Maylord Orchards.

Sargeants have provided a detailed update on bus services that are impacted by the Blueschool Street emergency road closure in Hereford.

A post on social media said:

“Good morning to all, unfortunately as I am sure you’re aware by now there will be major roadworks in Blueschool Street.

“Maylords is closed to all stops.

“To try and keep our services running to the best they can we are putting some changes in place.

“76/76A will only serve hospital and railway on request only otherwise it will be direct to Tesco.

“The B and D will also be using Edgar Street to get back to Tesco.

“The C route will also be using the Link Road and Edgar Street.

“We anticipate that all services will be disrupted and can only apologise for this. However saying that our driver’s will always do their best.”