A brand new shop is set to open at the Old Market in Hereford in the coming weeks, and it’s certainly set to be a popular one!

Signage has gone up on one of the pods at the Old Market in Hereford, confirming that a new outlet is set to open. 

Heggie’s at The Old Market is set to open in the coming months, with fresh local Hereford produce promised daily.

Heggie’s at The Old Market will offer the following:

Hot and Cold Meat Rolls

Pies, Pasties and Sausage Rolls

Hot and Cold Drinks

Kitchen Ready Meals

Salad Bowls

Fresh Meats

This is an exciting local addition to the Old Market.

It follows recent additions that include Cafe Nero and Matalan.

For more information about the Old Market Shopping Centre in Hereford, please visit – https://oldmarkethereford.co.uk