Liberal Democrats on Herefordshire Council are calling for the reinstatement of Minor Injury Units in the county.

The LibDems have given notice of a motion to the next meeting of the Council (7th March 2025) which asks the council to support the principle and calls on the Tories who run the council to work with the NHS to open the units.

Herefordshire used to have Minor Injury Units in market towns.

They offered accessible and efficient urgent care to local residents.

These units reduced demand on services at the County Hospital, ensured faster treatment for minor injuries, and allowed patients to receive care closer to home. 

The LibDems point out that Hereford County Hospital is under considerable pressure.

Over the winter period a quarter of ambulances had to wait over an hour before A&E at Hereford could accept their patients.

They also point out that Minor Injury Units are still going strong in Gloucestershire, Powys, Shropshire and Worcestershire. It is only Herefordshire that has been left without any of the units.

Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group on Herefordshire Council, Cllr Terry James said:

“This is a no-brainer really. The MIUs worked well for local people and eased the pressure on the County Hospital. The NHS should reinstate them as soon as possible. I hope that all political parties on Herefordshire Council will join us in calling on the NHS to sort this out.”