Volunteers from the Hereford Community Clean Up Group made the most of the sunshine, by teaming up to clear litter and rubbish from alongside the A49 (Ross Road) and some of the Rotherwas Access Road.

This is an area that has been identified as having a lot of roadside litter and debris, and volunteers worked hard to collect 76 bags of rubbish and litter during Sunday!

A post shared by David Klotz on the Hereford Comminity Clean Up Facebook Group said:

“Epic group litter pick today by about 14-15 wonderful people on a glorious spring day.

“On the A49 Ross road from the Travelodge to just before the Bullingham Lane turning, plus about 1/3 of the Rotherwas Access Road covered.

“I can’t take the credit for all those bags sadly.

“76 bags collected and a huge pile of detritus and even a blown lorry tyre.

“I managed 10 bags over five hours plus another hour to transport the bags to one spot to be collected.

“Huge job today. Thank you to everyone who helped today.

“Still loads more to do on the Access road. I need a lie down now.”