Household Waste & Recycling Centres in #Herefordshire are set to remain closed until a safe way of working can be introduced.
Council leaders highlighted concerns about how to enable social distancing at sites but also mentioned that there had been no increase in fly tipping as a result of the closures.
Economy and place director Richard Ball said:
“The priority will be that they can operate safely,” he said.
“Particularly for the staff involved and ensuring social distancing within the sites as they are reopened.
“That also involves looking at which sites are most appropriate to open first.
“We are not at the point of confirming when they will reopen yet.”
Commissioning, procurement and assets cabinet member Gemma Davies said:
“We’ve had a few people asking over the period what is happenign with the waste collection centres and an allegation of an increase in flytipping,” she said.
“That’s something I’ve been having a briefing on every week. There’s been no increase in flytipping since the closure of the recycling centres which is really good.
“A lot of the information that has been coming through has been anecdotal.
“There has been no rise in the figures.”