An outline planning application has been submitted to Herefordshire Council for a new care home near a popular pub on the outskirts of Hereford.

The application, made by Muller Property Group states:

“Outline planning application for the development of a care home (Use Class C2), including detail of appearance, access, layout and scale with landscaping reserved for future consideration.”

The proposal site is located off Tillington Road, 2.2 miles to the north west of

Hereford City Centre. The site area is 8,008m2 (1.9 acres).

Currently the site is used to store vehicles, with a large expanse of hard standing and secure fencing to all boundaries. Areas of vegetation and trees are located to the northern, southern, and western boundaries. 

The surrounding land uses include residential and retail to the north and east, agricultural land along the south and west boundaries, and commercial / industrial to the north west.

Access into the site is from the south east corner via Tillington Road. Connections to road networks include the A4103 to the north which provide links to Worcester (27 miles) and the surrounding towns to the north east.

The A49 runs directly north to Leominster (13 miles). The site is served by a bus service with stops located at the Three Elms pub where Tillington Road and Canon Pyon Road meet.

After research, it has been highlighted that there is a need for a C2 use care home within the local area to meet with current and future demand for care provision. 

The proposal has been created to provide a purpose built 80 No. bed care home with external amenity space, landscaping, car parking, and access.

The proposed care home will be designed to achieve the maximum comfort to the residents in a homely environment, while providing the operator with high quality facilities to allow them to deliver the highest standard of care.

With regards to the immediate surrounding area, the Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy has identified 92 hectares of land (Three Elms) directly to the south and west of the site as an area for urban extension under Policy HD5 of the Core Strategy (2015). 

The land spans from the A4103 in the north to the A438 in the south and surrounding Huntington and will look to deliver a minimum of 1,000 homes; a minimum of 10 hectares of employment land; primary school; a neighbourhood community hub; POS; Green Infrastructure and associated works.

It is clear that the council consider this area of Hereford appropriate for urban expansion and development.

An outline planning application was submitted on land to the south west of the site in June 2022. The proposal is for Outline Planning application with all matters reserved, except access, for the first phase of an urban extension comprising up to 350 homes (Use Class C3); park & choose interchange; together with open and play space, landscaping, infrastructure and associated works. ‘ (Local Planning Reference: P222138/O).

The principle of developing the adjacent site is acceptable subject to pertinent planning policy’s; indeed it’s development will deliver one of three key strategic allocation in Hereford. The Three Elms strategic allocation demonstrates a desire for urban extension in this location and the development of this pre-application site should be considered positively in the context of the surrounding allocation.

For more details, please visit – the Herefordshire Council Planning website and search for planning reference P240662/O