The 5 & 10 group meets at the Hereford cycle track on the racecourse every Monday night at 6:30pm.

The 5 is walking twice around the racecourse 5km or once whatever you want to do. The 10 is 10 laps of the cycle track 10k or as many or as little as you want.

Then everybody gets together for a chat, refreshments are available all free, you can bring your own bike or borrow one including adapted bikes. Friendly fun at your own pace no one will judge you do as much or as little and all free of charge.

Matt spoke to Tom Paul (pictured below) who is a regular attender of the group “I volunteer at the Thrifty Store 8 hours a week and the team there donated funds to purchase a bike, I love coming here and getting in the fresh air and meeting people”

Jim Kenyon who is involved in the group told us “The Thrifty Store have been brilliant and made a donation to us to purchase a bike, the group is a great way for people to exercise and have fun”