ANPR Cameras to be installed as part of a ‘Safer Routes to School’ Scheme on Belmont Avenue in Hereford.

Herefordshire Council, in partnership with Riverside Primary School, are planning to trial a “Safer Routes to School” scheme on Belmont Avenue for six months from Monday 2nd September 2024 to Friday 28th February 2025.

The Safer Routes to School initiative aims to enhance safety, convenience, and enjoyment for children and families commuting to and from school by restricting motor vehicle access and promoting placemaking outside the school entrance during designated drop-off and pick-up times on weekdays.

During the proposed trial period, Belmont Avenue, from the junction of Belmont Court, will be closed to motor vehicles- excluding residents and emergency vehicles–between 8. 10am-9. 10am and 2.50pm-3.50pm, Monday to Friday, during term time. 

Herefordshire Council has been closely collaborating with Riverside Primary School to address concerns raised by the school community and nearby residents regarding congestion during peak drop-off and collection times. 

The school has identified several key issues, including:

Cars parked on pavements, forcing children, parents, and residents off the pavements and into the road

An unsafe area for children outside the school entrance

Parents’ reluctance to allow children to travel to school independently due to concerns over road safety

Residents’ properties being obstructed by parked cars, hindering access to and from their homes by car

A stressful environment outside the school, occasionally marked by emotive interactions

Together, we have identified that a Safer Routes to School scheme could help us to make the area outside the school entrance safer and more pleasant for the whole school community and its neighbours. 

In recent years similar schemes have been widely introduced across the UK with positive results. 

These schemes offer a proactive solution for school communities to tackle congestion and road danger outside of schools while promoting more active and sustainable modes of travel to and from school.

To further improve the area around the school, and make it safer, easier and more pleasant for everyone to walk, wheel and cycle in the area, Herefordshire Council are also looking to invest in a range of public realm enhancements around Riverside Primary School to improve lighting, signing, seating, and crossings around the school.

The restriction will be implemented via Automated Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras during operating hours. 

The restriction will only apply to school traffic and general through traffic during school pick-up and drop-off times. 

If you are a local resident/business person with a property within the zone, you will be exempt from the traffic restriction – details on how to apply for exemption status will be provided nearer the time. 

Access for emergency services will be maintained at al times.

The Safer Routes to School scheme will be implemented under an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) which places a restriction on motorised traffic at school drop-off and pick-up times.

The trial will operate for six months with an option to make the Traffic Regulation Order permanent should it be found to be successful. 

Herefordshire Council will be conducting thorough evaluations of this trial and will be working closely with partners (such as the school and local parking enforcement personnel) to continuously monitor the scheme.