Hereford City Council awarded a grant of £3,000 to the Hereford Bowling Club, for the refurbishment of their Clubhouse roof.

Hereford Bowling Club is a historic club which dates back as far as 1484, and gives members a place to practice and play the game of bowls. The Club has a long and varied history which spans centuries, with its present members proud to continue the tradition.

Though located in the centre of Hereford City, the Bowling Green is a hidden gem of tranquillity, offering members a scenic and entertaining escape. Bowls can be a competitive and casual sport, and has the valuable quality of being accessible for anyone to join in and play.

The grant will primarily go towards Hereford Bowling Club repairing the roof of their clubhouse, enabling their members to use the building for group activities. The state of disrepair requires immediate attention and the indoor section of the clubhouse facilitates a skittles alley, a bar and seating area.

Hereford City Council agreed to award a grant of £3,000, and hope to see the clubhouse at Hereford Bowling Club restored to its full potential.

For more information on Hereford Bowling Club, visit HERE.