As the Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion, begins to set the budget for the next financial year, members of the public are invited to take part in a live event, with the opportunity to ask questions around how their money is spent.
The Commissioner, holds regular meetings with the Chief Constable Anthony Bangham, focusing on key priorities raised by communities. Decemberâs meeting will focus on budget and will be broadcast live via Facebook. The public are invited to ask questions around how they would like to see resources prioritised.
Questions on this topic, can be submitted in advance via a Facebook comment or private message, or via email to Questions are also invited via a comment during the livestream.
The meeting will be streamed live on the @WestMerciaPCC Twitter page, from 6pm on Monday 10th December.
Commissioner John Campion said âThe publicâs police service is funded with tax payerâs money so its imperative communities have a say in how this money is spent. This event allows the public to be involved in the most open and transparent way and ensures they can have a voice at the highest level, helping to shape priorities for the budget moving forward.â
For more information about how you can take part visit:Â