A message shared by Gillian Griffiths from Bartestree:
A few weeks ago I shared a post of a dead pony, killed by someone feeding them bread, I said it is my biggest fear that someone would feed my ponies and make them ill or worse kill them!! It’s happening all over the country at the moment from thoughtless people.
Well, it’s happened!!
Meet Flash… my star of a pony who has reached the grand old age of 31 and NEVER had colic in his life (I’ve had him since a yearling).
He has just (thankfully) pulled through from a episode of colic!! Brought on by over feeding from people who shouldn’t be feeding him!!
Luckily for Flash, we were there when he went down and with the swift response of Three Counties Equine Vets he’s pulled through the worst of it, although he’s still being monitored closely!
These are the photos of him writhing in pain on Friday morning!
He is already on medication for a condition that means he can’t just eat anything, because it could give him further complications.
He also has very few teeth – he can’t eat hay therefore has to be in the field 24/7 so he can nibble at the soft grass, he also has mashed/soaked feed 2 x a day to help him keep his weight on, which is currently good. So he does not need feeding or interference from anyone!
In the current situation of lockdown I get that the only thing people have to do is go for a nice walk in the countryside but for gods sake don’t feed any animals that do not belong to you because you are most likely putting them at risk of choking, poisoning, bloating, death, the list goes on!!
Look and enjoy the countryside, don’t touch or feed because of those irresponsible, thoughtless actions my 31 year old pony that has never been ill in his entire life until very recently, could have died, slowly and painfully!!
Please share and advise anyone you know who may think this is a fun past time, against doing so!!