West Mercia Police have released a statement after a video of a Police Officer arresting a member of the public for not following COVID-19 regulations was shared online.
Chief Inspector Ross Jones: “Police officers were called to Tesco in Hereford on Friday 15 January to a report of a man who was causing distress to customers and staff. The man stated that he was not exempt from wearing a facing covering and would not wear one whilst in the shop. He would not provide his name and address for a fixed penalty notice to be issued and was arrested.
“The Covid-19 regulations in place to help prevent the spread of the virus and our first priority is to protect the public and help reduce the rates of transmission in Herefordshire. We attempt to engage, explain and encourage the public as was the clearly the case in this instance. We will enforce where necessary to support the incredible work of our colleagues in the NHS and the majority of the public who are adhering to the regulations.”