A case of COVID-19 has been confirmed at Fairfield High School in Herefordshire.

Parents received a letter earlier today detailing that a student in Year 11 has tested positive. The letter said:

“Unfortunately, we have been advised that there has been a confirmed case of COVID-19 in Year 11. We have written separately to any students who need to take action.

“Fortunately the student affected has not been in school since lesson 2 on Monday and was brought to school by car, meaning that very few students were in contact with them.  We have worked closely with Public Health England and Herefordshire Council to identify the students who have had contact with the affected case.

“It is very important that we all continue to be vigilant and follow social distancing and hygiene rules.  Students are sanitising their hands at the end of every lesson; we continue to operate year group ‘bubbles’ and control movement around the school; students are supervised getting on to the buses and we are maintaining increased ventilation in classrooms which have been rearranged to support a ‘covid secure’ approach.  There is increased cleaning throughout the school and we have also taken steps as advised by Public Health England to thoroughly clean any areas used by the affected child.

“Obviously this is a worrying time for us all, but we do expect ALL students to be in school unless they have been instructed otherwise.”