Jun 22, 2022 | News, Your Worcestershire | 0 comments

NEWS | Trout and Salmon rescued from the River Teme as dry spell of weather sees river dry up in parts

News, Your Worcestershire

Written by Stefan Davies

Officers have been at sites along the Rivers Teme and Redlake following reports of low water levels and fish being stranded in pools. Environment Agency officers carrying out a fish rescue. Around 100 fish were rescued, including brown trout and juvenile Atlantic salmon and released further downstream on River Redlake. An Environment Agency spokesperson said ‘The River Teme and River Redlake often run dry in their upper reaches during dry weather, stranding fish in pools. Due to the current low water flows there are fish stranded in pools and if left, these pools will dry out, and the fish will be lost.’


Environment Agency officers will be doing regular monitoring of the area and taking appropriate action during the continued spell of dry weather.

Those enjoying our environment, such as anglers and boaters are being encouraged to report environmental incidents. Warm weather can often lead to algal blooms or water that is too warm which makes it difficult for fish to breathe. Fish are often seen gasping for air. If anyone sees fish in distress, please contact the Environment Agency’s incident hotline on 0800 80 70 60.