Hear plans, ask questions, find out more – Tuesday 17 May from 6:30pm to 8pm at the Kindle Centre

Local people are being urged to get involved in plans that aim to transform 35 acres of green space into a vibrant new destination, south of the river in Hereford.

Operating from an environmentally-friendly and accessible building, The Southside Project will offer sports pitches, market gardens for schools and the local community as well an affordable cafe and cookery school which will make use of the fresh produce grown on site. In addition, there will be a programme of activities for all ages, including children and young people. 

A community information evening is being held on Tuesday 17 May from 6:30pm to 8pm at The Kindle Centre. Everyone is invited to hear about the plans, ask questions and meet the partners.

Developed by the community for the community, The Southside Project has been brought to life by Belmont Wanderers FC – which has been running from the site for 12 years – together with Growing Local, an established Herefordshire organisation which specialises in growing and cooking produce, along with NMITE, the city’s new university which focuses on practical, hands-on learning. 

With numerous ways for local residents to make use of the space and get involved, The Southside Project will also create employment and volunteering opportunities. It is hoped that work will start on site in summer 2023 with a view to opening in early 2024.

Chris Tipping, Southside resident and head of development for Belmont Wanderers FC comments, “This is a one of a kind project which will make an enormous difference to this part of the city. It will create a hub where the community can connect, enjoy outdoor activities, eat healthy food and learn new skills as well as find jobs, training and volunteering posts.”

Louisa Foti, educational officer and director of Growing Local CIC continues, “We are all 100% committed to delivering something really special for the Southside which will have a long-term impact. We’re looking forward to sharing our proposals and explaining more about how the project will make a unique contribution to the local community.”

The project is supported by the Government’s Stronger Towns’ Fund. It formed part of Hereford’s successful bid for ÂŁ22.4m to support 15 projects which all aim to create a greener, fairer city. Abigail Appleton, Chair of the Stronger Towns Board and Principal of Hereford College of Arts explained: 

“The Southside project is a cornerstone of Hereford’s Stronger Town Investment Plan created through a collaboration between three of Hereford’s most exciting organisations, forging closer links between the North and South and developing an asset which all communities in the city can be proud of.”

There are also opportunities to take a guided tour of the site on two ‘Walk & Talk’ events on Friday 13 May at 11am and Wednesday 25 May at 5.45pm, these will start from the Belmont pitches car park HR2 7BF. Representatives from the project will also have a stall at the Belmont Wanderers’ Festival which takes place on Sunday 29 May from 9am to 5pm. 

If you would like to attend the Community Information Evening on Tuesday 17 May from 6:30pm to 8pm at The Kindle Centre, just come along – there is no need to register.